• Become a Student
  • International Students
  • International Student FAQ
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Application Process

    What is the minimum TOEFL or IELTS score required for Goucher?

    Applicants whose first language is not English are required to demonstrate language proficiency with recommended test scores of TOEFL (80ibt), IELTS (6.5), or Duolingo (105).

    Students who have received a diploma or certificate from a secondary/high school where English is the primary language of instruction are exempted from this requirement.

    Can I get credits at Goucher for an IB diploma?

    Yes. Goucher will grant credit for examination scores of at least 5 in the higher-level subject areas. You will be placed in courses at the discretion of each department. Goucher also recognizes academic work completed through programs such as the General Certificate of Education A-level, French Baccalaureate, and German Abitur for advanced credit.

    How can I check on the status of my application?

    After your application has been received, you will receive an email with the link to the Admissions & Financial Aid Status Portal where you can check your status.

    When will I be informed of my admissions decision?

    Admissions decisions are released on a rolling basis.


    Financial Aid

    What is the cost of attendance?

    Our total cost of attendance can be found on the Undergraduate Tuition, Fees, and Costs page. This listing shows both direct costs (tuition and fees, room and board on campus) and indirect costs (books and supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses). This cost does not include health insurance which averages about $2,000 for students.

    Am I required to demonstrate financial support?

    You are required to demonstrate financial support of at least $30,000 USD per year in expected support for educational expenses. Additional financial documents will be requested for students requiring an F-1 visa.

    What is the average financial aid package Goucher students receive?

    The average institutional aid for admitted Goucher students in fall 2023 was $43,014 USD.

    What scholarships are available to international students? What is the application process for these scholarships?

    You're eligible for all of Goucher's merit scholarships; and you will be automatically considered. However, for the Fine and Performing Arts scholarship program, you must submit a separate application. For more information, see the scholarship information webpage.


    International Student Life

    How many countries are currently represented on Goucher's campus?

    There are 47 countries represented at Goucher, including:

    • China
    • Czech Republic
    • Ecuador
    • Ethiopia
    • Ghana
    • Greece
    • Iran
    • Japan
    • Kenya
    • Madagascar
    • Mexico
    • Morocco
    • The Netherlands
    • Pakistan
    • Philippines
    • South Korea
    • Syria
    • Trinidad & Tobago
    • United Kingdom
    • Vietnam

    How do I choose a major or minor? Do I have to apply to the departments directly?

    You're not required to declare a major until your second year, although you can do it sooner. You do not have to apply officially to the department; the department chair just has to sign a form. You can change your major at any time as long as you're on track to finish it by the end of your four years.

    What sort of support does Goucher provide to international students on campus?

    Admissions works with international students during the college search and application process. They can answer any questions you may have about the application process or what it means to be an international student at Goucher. They can also assist you with non-immigrant visa paperwork, such as the I-20. You can email us at admissions@xingtaiyichuang.com. Once you enroll, you will have access to International Student Adviser Karen Sykes. Karen hosts an international student orientation that will help you transition to college.

    What cultural and affinity-based student organizations are available on campus?

    Goucher is home to a diverse student body. As a result, we have a number of organizations where you will find students who share a cultural background or an interest in certain parts of the world. Examples include: the Goucher International Student Association (GISA), Asian Student Association (serves as an umbrella organization for students who identify as Asian American, East Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, South Asian, and Southeast Asian), Hispanic Organization for Learning and Awareness (HOLA), Multicultural Understanding to Transform Stereotypes (MUTTS), and other clubs and organizations.

    I have other questions that are not answered here. To whom should I direct them?
    Questions not answered here can be directed to admissions@xingtaiyichuang.com.

    For more information please see our International brochure.